ليلة الإمتحان ICT questions بالإجابات رابعة ابتدائى الترم الثاني

ليلة الإمتحان ICT questions  بالإجابات رابعة ابتدائى الترم الثاني 

أسئلة المحور الرابع ICT لغات بالإجابات أ/سمية مصطفي رابعة ابتدائى الترم الثاني

أسئلة المحور الرابع ICT لغات بالإجابات أ/سمية مصطفي رابعة ابتدائى الترم الثاني

ICT questions for(
 exam night

*Put √ or x
1 – The "internet of Elephants" is an organization concerned with cancer ( x (p47

2 – Any big problem should be left without solving it ( x) page51

3 – we need images and colors to design a poster or digital billboard ( )page55 

4 – From sources of information are interviews with people( )p58 

5 – The steps of preparing a falafel sandwich are not considered an algorithm( x)p63

6 – Computers , like humans , use different languages ( )p67 

7 – To open the paint program , click on the Accessories folder first then the start menu ( x) p70

8 – when designing your presentation , avoid paragraphs or short sentences (x)p75

9-one of the common programs that used to collect and record data is Excel program() p59

10- when creating a poster a digital poster it is preferable to choose a very small font(x)p55 


*Choose the correct answer : 
1 – Gautam shah uses ……….. to save the wildlife 
( technology – games – all of them) p47

2 – if you divide the …….. problem into several small tasks it will become easier to solve 
( Small – big – large )p51 

3 – To design a digital poster or billboard , you will need an updated ……… 
( Computer – margin – picture )p54 

4 - …………. Program is used for writing and you can change the design and add images
( Word – Excel – Photoshop)p59  

5 – Many of the things you do in your daily life can be described by …..
( algorithms – mapmaker –vlaby)p63 

6 – The …….. that you see are built using codes 
( animations – movies – All of them)p66

7 – The ……… program is one of the popular programs in editing pictures and graphics
( Microsoft paint – word – Excel )p70   

8 – ……. Is a program used to design pretentions that include texts and animation effects
( power point – word – Excel )p74

9-…………..is the founder of "internet of elefants"
(William tyner - Gautam Shah- Bill Gates) p46

10-microsoft 365 program is application includes a package of programs as 
(power point - word - all of them)page 54


*Complete : 
( Margin – Excel – Algorithm – crop -code.org – paint toolbox - Augmented reality mobile games – slide - easier ) 

1 – mobile games enable you to interact with animals from many countries (p47)

2 – if you divide the big problem into several small tasks it will become easier to solve(p51)

3 – Margin Is the space between the edges of a poster and its content (p55) 

4 - Excel program allows you to create a spreadsheet consisting of many columns and rows (p59)

5 - Algorithm Is a series of steps that explains how to perform a task (p62) 

6 – There are many websites like code.org Help you to learn code(p67)

7 - paint toolbox Includes all the tools you need in your drawing (p70) 

8 – A slide Is a presentation page that contains your text and images(p74)

9-you can select and cut a part of image in paint using crop. tool ( page71)

10-Augmented reality(الواقع المعزز) allows you to see real environment of the things you want to see virtualy (p47)

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أسئلة المحور الثالث ICT لغات بالإجابات

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