EKB Knowledge Bank for Discovery of Cations and Anions in High School Chemistry (Part 1)of cations and anions in high school chemistry

EKB Knowledge Bank for Discovery of Cations and Anions in High School Chemistry (Part 1)

EKB Questions 
Detection of first and second group cations
Detection of third group cations
Detection of The Fifth Group Cations
Detection of the first group ions
Detection of second and third group enions
We have collected all the questions of the Egyptian EKB in detecting the irons and the anions in order to help you to meet all the questions on Title II
And to be ready for you to recalled and reviewed later 
We have made a great effort to gather these questions, so that we do not hesitate to share them and pray for us at the back of the unseen😘

Note: - The correct answers at the bottom 👇

 we start the questions.

1. A white deposit of AgCl is made that does not dissolve in ammonia solution when the salt solution is added to the diluted Hcl acid in the silver cation detection experiment
  • true
  • wrong
2- When adding salt solution to potassium iodide solution forms a yellow deposit that does not dissolve in ammonia solution in the experiment detecting silver cation
  • true
  • wrong
3- Non-metals in qualitative analysis are divided into six groups
  • true
  • wrong
4. When the salt solution interacts with diluted hydrochloric acid, a white hg²Cl² deposit turns black by adding ammonia in the mercury cation detection experiment.
  • true
  • wrong
5. In the experiment detecting lead catation when the salt solution interacts with the potassium chromatsolution, a black deposit of PbS dissolves in hno3 hot diluted
  • true
  • wrong
6. Uses....... As a primary detector for the third group in the presence of a small amount of nhchloroclchloride solution
Hydroxide ammonium
Aluminium hydroxide
Calcium hydroxide
7. Sedimentary image of Fe 
(oH)3 color deposit
8. When the salt solution is added to the sodium hydroxide solution in the experiment of detecting al+³ cation is formed....... 
White deposit
Yellow deposit
Brown deposit
9. When the salt solution interacts with ammonium sulfide solution in the detection experience........ A black deposit that dissolves in Hcl.
10. When the salt solution interacts with nhnh+NH¹OH solution.  Consists........ In the Fe+³ detection experience
Brown deposit melts in excess of the detector
A white deposit doesn't melt in excess of the detector.
Brown deposit doesn't melt in excess of the detector.

11. The fifth group carbonate is characterized by its ability to dissolve in water
It's a mistake

12. In the flame detection experiment gives calcium cation a red garmozi color
It's a mistake
13. When the salt solution interacts with h²So-diluted sulfuric acid. A white deposit is made in the NH¹(²SO4) solution in the calcium citation detection experiment
It's a mistake


14. When the salt solution interacts with KMnO in the test of detecting calcium citation, a yellow deposit dissolves in acetic acid.
It's a mistake


15. The primary detector group V is an ammonium carbonate solution in the presence of ammonium chloride with ammonium hydroxed solution
It's a mistake


16. In the experiment of detecting the rising carbon ion ........ By adding diluted hydrochloric acid to sodium carbonate
Co² Gas
H² Gas
H²S Gas


17- When a solution of anonate interacts with magnesium sulfate and resulted in the appearance of a cold white deposit and this deposit dissolves in hydrochloric acid this is proof that this ion is


18- When adding the captrite solution with barium chloride solution in the experience of detecting the ion of the captriate is formed.....
Red brown deposit
White deposit
Yellow deposit


19- Gas escalation.......... When sulphide anion interacts with diluted hydrochloric acid
H² Gas
Gas S²
H²S Gas


20- The fumes are mounting........ When adding a salt solution with potassium iodide solution in the nitrite anion detection trial
Chlorine gas
Ammonia gas


21. When the chloride-Cl anion interacts with concentrated sulfuric acid the gas mounts.......
Hydrogen chloride


22- When adding the solution of salt to the silver nitrate in the experiment of detecting the anion bromide consists of a deposit of color......

23- Experience the evidence episode of the unique experiences of detecting.........
Anion Bromide
Anion Nitrates
Chloride anion


24- Give the salts anions ........ And........ Raspa with barium chloride solution
Phosphates and carbonate
Phosphates and acids
Phosphates and sulfates

25- The greenish yellow ureregas escalates when chloride ion interacts with......
Manganese dioxide
Lead acetate solution
Iron sulfate solution

✋Dear student for your own good please do not resort to the correct answers below before you try to answer the questions on your own and evaluate yourself from 25 degrees per question score
Good luck to everyone.


The right answers.
  1. It's a mistake
  2. Correct
  3. It's a mistake
  4. Correct
  5. It's a mistake
  6. Hydroxide ammonium
  7. Son
  8. White deposit
  9. Fe+³
  10. Brown deposit doesn't melt in excess of the detector.
  11. It's a mistake
  12. It's a mistake
  13. Correct
  14. It's a mistake
  15. Correct
  16. Co² Gas
  17. Carbons
  18. White deposit
  19. H²S Gas
  20. Iodine
  21. Hydrogen chloride
  22. Yellow
  23. Anion Nitrates
  24. Phosphates and sulfates
  25. Manganese dioxide

The questions are over.

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The second part of the EKB Questions in Part II Chemical Analysis

نحن نعدكم بالتميز والإنفراد بفضل الله وتوفيقة،ونتمني إن لاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم بظهر الغيب يمكنك الاطلاع علي المزيد والمزيد من المراجعات والاختبارات والتمارين عبر تصفح المدونة واختيار الموضوع المناسب فنحن هدفنا أن تكون المدونة المساعد الاول لطلاب الثانوية العامة بصفوفها الثلاثة وكمرجع لمعلمي المرحلة ,فنحن نسعي لمواكبة التقدم العلمي بوزارة التربيه والتعليم ,ونقدم للخبراء ولابنائنا الاعزاء كل ماهو ممتع وشيق وجديد بفكر يبعد عن السطحيه والتعقيد,ونتمني ان تنال المدونة اعجابكم ,وأن تحصلوا علي أعلي الدرجات ,يمكنكم أيضا متابعتنا عبر صفحتنا عبر الفيس بوك باسم ((الثانوية العامة الجديدة)) أو عبر الرابط التالي ((https://www.facebook.com/123sec/)) .لاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم بظهر الغيب

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